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What is Senbwl?

A:We are a large clothing company integrating R&D, design and production, with a factory area of 1,600 square meters and 120 sets of various advanced clothing equipment. 150 employees. Specializing in the production of sports and outdoor clothing, customized T-shirts, Polo shirts, quick-drying clothes, sweatshirts, windbreakers, advertising shirts, vests, work clothes and other clothing.

Our production technology has received various authoritative certifications

How do I make a purchase on the Senbwl website?
A: To make a purchase, select the item you want to buy, choose your size and color preference, add it to your cart, and proceed to checkout.

Can I exchange or return my purchase?
A: Yes, we accept exchanges and returns within 30 days of purchase if the item is in its original condition.

How long does it take to receive my order?
A: It depends on your location. Generally, orders are delivered within 7-14 business days.

What payment methods are accepted on the Senbwl website?
A: We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) and PayPal.

Do you offer free shipping?
A: Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders.

What should I do if the item I received is damaged or defective?
A: Please contact our customer service team immediately, and we will assist you with a replacement or refund.

Can I track my order?
A: Yes, you can track your order through the tracking number provided in your order confirmation email.

Is my personal information secure on the Senbwl website?
A: Yes, we use secure technology to protect your personal information and maintain your privacy.

How do I know which size to choose?
A: We have a size chart available on each product page to help you choose the correct size.

Can I cancel my order after it has been placed?
A: You may request to cancel your order before it has shipped. Please contact our customer service team as soon as possible.

Do you offer gift cards?
A: Yes, we offer gift cards for purchase on our website.

Can I use multiple promo codes on a single order?
A: No, only one promo code may be used per order.

Do you offer international shipping?
A: Yes, we offer international shipping to select countries.

How can I contact Senbwl customer service?
A: You can contact us through our website's contact form or email us at service@senbwl.com